Snorkeling beginner tips

I wrote this article when I went back from Indonesia eight years ago. I never posted, so I do it today. I hope it will be helpful to someone out there.

Many people talk about snorkeling like it's natural. That's not the case. On the internet, you will find many tips to behave properly and chose your furniture well. Tips about using your mask are less visible or incomplete. So this article will only talk about this.

  • Start by breathing only with your mouth without anything. Once you are ok with it, breath with the tuba outside water. Do it until you are confortable with it. Use only your mouth. Then remove the mask. Breath normally. Then do it again. Repeat Until you feel ok.
  • In a place where you have feet, put your head under the water with the mask. Suck and bite the part you put into your mouth. Don't bite too strongly. Breath with the mouth until you feel confortable. Get your head outside water without the mask. Breath normally. Repeat.
  • Now, put your head under the water and get all your body horizontal. You will understand that you float easily. Start moving your ankle to move. don't go where the water is deeper. Do this until you feel ok. Move your arm and legs randomly. Understand that you can rest in this position.
  • Give you a goal to reach, a place to go than is not to far. Then go there. Then go back to the reef. Repeat.
  • Now you should be confortable with tuba breathing and know your limits. You can start to explore the sea and enjoy this activity.

Extra tips:

  • The water is clearer when it gets deeper. Don't expect to see much beautiful things before.
  • Wear a tee-shirt to avoid big sunbuns.
  • It's a calm activity. Make it smooth and slow.
  • If you panic, try to relax by getting the standard position. If it doesn't work, swim as you would do without equipment.
  • If you have water in the tuba. Spit strongly like if you were a gangsta impressing his buddies. It may sound disgusting but it works. Do it several time if needed.